About us

What is the EGTC - Hospital de Cerdanya

The Hospital de Cerdanya/Hôpital de Cerdagne is the first cross-border health hospital in Europe. The idea of creating a common cross-border hospital to provide healthcare to the population of the two sides of the border along the eastern Pyrenees, arose in the late 1990s and became a reality thanks to the creation of a new type of European public legal instrument: the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC)

The Cerdanya Hospital is registered in the Register of health centres, services and establishments of Catalonia with the code H17996462 and in the Fichier National des Établisements Sanitaires et Sociaux with the number 660007436.

The European Union partly financed the building of the cross-border hospital which is jointly managed by the public health services of Catalonia and France, through the Servei Català de la Salut and the Agence Régional de Santé Occitanie.

The hospital offers hospitalization, specialized outpatient care and emergency care to a reference population of 32.000; number that can be multiplied by four, during the summer and snow sports season.

The Mission of the Hospital de Cerdanya/Hôpital de Cerdagne is to offer specialized health care in the territories of Upper and Lower Cerdanya and Capcir, leading the creation of a territorial network that will incorporate professionals and establishments from both sides of the border. The EGTC-HC must ensure the continuity of care and while applying criteria of economic sustainability and social responsibility.

The Vision that guides the activity of the Hospital de Cerdanya/Hôpital de Cerdagne is to become, in the medium term, a model for the management of healthcare services in Europe's internal border regions; pursuing excellence, and working in an efficient and effective manner.

Among the Values of the Hospital de Cerdanya are:

  • The European and binational character of its healthcare provision model.
  • Respect for the person, fair treatment and prioritization of healthcare needs.
  • Care for people, facilitating that the patient and their environment participate in the care process and in the decisions it entails.
  • Work in multidisciplinary teams, based on the complementarity of knowledge and skills. Adaptability, flexibility and versatility.
  • The culture of quality, as a means for improvement and transformation.